Category: Cytology

This is about the study of narcissus cells and includes chromosome work, molecular genetics, biochemistry, pollen size and shape, etc,.

Diamond and gold dust

A few years ago John Hunter posted on Daffnet some comments about gold and silver dusted perianths. He referred to a short article in The Daffodil Journal Vol. 48 #4, June 2012 p.308 about what causes diamond dusting, which…

Winter bulbocodiums

It has been a cold frosty winter here and many flowers are later than usual. The tazettas in the field are miserable. The paperwhites are miserable too but they seem a little more hardy. The viridiflorus hybrids in the field…

Melissa – I found it.

Melissa I think I found  the term you were looking for  that started omb….  It is most likely obturator [  plant anatomy term ]? Defined as 1) an outgrowth of the funicle, that forms a bridge between the micropyle and other tissues. 2)Part of…